Meet Rob & Lisa

Supporting documentary TV and Film Across Africa for More Than a Decade

Their paths crossed in 2006 while working in the burgeoning Dubai film industry but their careers as filmmakers began worlds apart.
Rob started as a P.A. in the early ‘90s in South Africa. It was an electrifying time to live in South Africa.  It was also the dawn of what is now one of the most dynamic film industries in the world.  He worked with the era’s most legendary personalities and cut his teeth with the best.
Lisa, while studying International Relations in Austria, took a part-time job for cmotion GmbH; the Vienna based manufacturer of lens control systems.  In 2006, she followed her studies to Dubai.  Her fate in the film world was sealed when she took a position at one of the largest equipment rental houses in the region.
Rob started Forward Motion shortly after his return to South Africa in 2010. It was then that he found his passion and talent for documentaries.
As the demand for fixing across Africa and documentary content increased, Rob brought Lisa on board as a dedicated researcher to ensure you get the stories and characters you need.
Of course we can also make your TVCs, long form and short form projects happen. Our specialized expertise in documentaries makes us excellent producers for all formats. We think on our feet. We make your money count. We find solutions and we work hard.
forwardmotion rob lisa

We’ve Got Your Back

Rob has been in production for nearly 30 years & Lisa has been doing film research for 15 years.

With experience in all formats film and TV, long form, short form, TVCs, music videos, short films, documentaries being our heart and soul, we know how to make your movie with the bucks you’ve got (and if we can’t, we’ll tell you).

We know world class directors.  We’re extremely proud of our talented DOPs. We only work with world class crew. If you need a prop, a stunt, a chopper or some art splashed into the mix we know them too.

From start to finish we’ve got your back.

Our Guarantee

We are up to date with the latest COVID and travel information.
We provide complete pre-production support with a dedicated researcher.
Locations are our passion.
You’ll get a quick and comprehensive quote.
We’ll tell you where to stay and what to do in your downtime.
All things legal + insurance: you’re covered.
We promise a successful shoot.
We will have fun.

And when it’s done, we will not say good-bye. We build lasting relationships. That is why our clients keep coming back.

Happy Clients

“Forward Motion Digital have become my go to producers when looking to film on or around Africa. Their attention to detail, prompt response time and utmost care for my projects show in every interaction and the outcome speaks for itself. I’m itching to find another project to share!”
Tara Williams

Supervising Producer, Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted

“My experiences of working with FMD in otherwise  inconvenient places such as Rwanda and Madagascar turned out very comfortable and successful thanks to their accurate, swift services.  It’s quite hard to find a better team even in South Africa. Smart people.”
Thomas Takamura

Producer, A Very Small Company

Contact Us

Forward Motion Digital
Rob Neuhold
+27 (0)72 879 7921

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